Category Archives: Core

Thankful for the Things I CAN Do!! (11/23 – 11/29)

This week I decided to push myself a bit even if it “hurt” and I ended up feeling very thankful for all that my body is capable of doing!!!

Sunday 11/23  45 calf pulses with feet front, feet out and feet in.

ready (toes out)

I just bounced up and down – this was a fun way to work my calves!!!

toes turned out
toes straight ahead
toes turned in
toes turned in

Since this was such an easy move I decided 3 sets of 45 was good!

Monday 11/24  45 double crunches with feet on a chair (lift butt while crunching up).

crunch and lift butt
crunch and lift butt

I decided to try running some this week.
Today started with a 3 mile walk/jog followed by 5 slow miles of running and a mile cool-down.

Tuesday 11/25  45 plie squat on upside down wobble balls.


I did one of my favorite workouts ever – Les Mills Combat:  Extreme Cardio Fighter – 60 minutes of a super fun workout!!!

Wednesday 11/26  45 bridges with alternating foot lift and touch (right – left = 1 rep).

ready position
ready position
lift left foot and reach with right hand
lift left foot and reach with right hand

Return to start and switch sides –

lift right hand - reach with left hand
lift right hand – reach with left hand

This was a challenge to keep my butt up the entire time!!!

I decided to try running again.
2 miles of walking/jogging  followed by 5 miles at a moderate pace and an easy mile cool-down.

Thursday 11/27  45 pulsing lunges with feet on upside down wobble balls.

part way up
part way up

This move was a challenge because of the balance aspect!!!  (The hardest part was getting set up on the wobble balls!!!)  After I did the first set, I switched around and put the other foot on the front ball.

part way up
part way up

I think this is the first Thanksgiving in at least 5 years (probably way more!!) that I didn’t do a hard workout in the morning!!!

Friday 11/28  45 butt lifts with legs up and a medicine ball (8 pounds) in between feet.


I’m happy that I didn’t drop the ball on my face!!!

I ran 7 miles (57:51) and then did an easy mile cool down.

Saturday 11/29  45 twisting crunches on a stability ball while holding an 8 pound medicine ball.

You can see that the move is a twist to each side and then a crunch.  This was a great core workout!!!

Overall, I’m happy with this week of workouts.  The running is slow and sort of painful but it is good for my mental state!!!

Happy Saturday!


Something Is Better than Nothing

Basically this week has been one of very minimal workouts.  But…I still did a 45 everyday!!!

Sunday 11/16  45 low duck walks.

Duck Walk

Duck Walk

So, this is a move I actually did while we were cleaning the apartment – the layer of filth was deep and after I scrubbed all the walls I duck walked the entire perimeter of the apartment cleaning the baseboards and floor line.  (this ended up being way more than 45 duck walk steps!!!)

Can you see the dirt on the baseboard?!

Monday 11/17  45 roll-ups with one leg straight and one bent.

left leg out - ready to go
left leg out – ready to go
roll up
roll up

(keeping your hands under your back helps you remember to keep your back pressed to the floor!!)

right leg extended
right leg extended
roll/crunch up
roll/crunch up

This was a new (to me) move and I liked it!!!

Because I new that this was one of my last chances, for a few days, I tried to run.  Didn’t happen.  I walked 4.5 miles with a 9% incline after running 2 miles super slow.

Tuesday 11/18  45 single arm reverse curls to shoulder press while standing on upside down wobble balls.

right arm - reverse curl (curl with palm down)
right arm – reverse curl (curl with palm down)
press up
press up

I did all 45 with my right arm then switched and started over.

left arm curl
left arm curl

I had to work my arms since I knew it would be the last time for a few weeks!!!

I walked 6.5 miles with a 10% incline – fun times for sure!!!

Wednesday 11/19  45 raises (upper and lower) while on stomach.

easy part
easy part
lift and hole 3 count
lift and hold 3 count

I don’t work my back enough but I really liked this move!!!

Thursday 11/20  45 inner thigh lifts with foot touch (non-lifting foot on wobble ball).

ready to work the right leg and balance on the left
ready to work the right leg and balance on the left
lift right leg - touch foot with left hand
lift right leg – touch foot with left hand

This move went quickly.  I had to do 45 on each leg of course!

balance on right leg, lift left foot
balance on right leg, lift left foot
lift foot up - touch with right hand
lift foot up – touch with right hand

Friday 11/21  45 flutter kicks while on back (right – left = 1 rep).

"easy" part
“easy” part
right foot up, left foot down
right foot up, left foot down
left foot up, right foot down
left foot up, right foot down

This move went quickly and is a great way to work the core.

Saturday 11/22  45 leg extensions with the figure 8 band.

right leg
right leg

And, I had to work my left leg!!  (I held the band in my right arm still because when I tried it in my left it rubbed right over my stitches.

Left leg
Left leg

I’m hoping to add in a bit more next week – I hate not working out!!!

Happy Saturday!


A Little Break Is Starting to Spiral out of Control (11/9 – 11/15)

Since I haven’t been able to run (or jump or do anything with any impact) lately, and I took a week almost completely off, it has gotten harder to really push myself during my workouts.

Sunday 11/9  – 45 squats on a wobble disc.


Not gonna lie – this was hard and hurt my leg (squats and lunges aren’t working out well for me right now).

Monday 11/10  45 side bends with arms behind head.

bend right
bend right

I did 45 bends to the right and then had to switch and do 45 to the left –

to the left
to the left

I did a workout that is very low impact but still at least feels like I”m doing something – Fat Burning Pilates.

Tuesday 11/11 45 sit-ups on bender ball – Bender Ball

easy part
easy part

Wednesday 11/12  45 alternate twisting knees on upside down wobble balls (right-left = 1 rep).

knee up twist right
knee up twist right

Go back to the start and then –

Knee up - twist left
Knee up – twist left

I tried to run (for about 5 steps!!) and ended up just walking (again) – 5 miles with a 10% incline.

Thursday 11/13  45 rear leg lifts (on stability ball with arms extending forward).

easy part
easy part
right leg lift
right leg lift

After doing 45 lifts with this leg (lift the leg and tap the toe down) in a slow controlled way, I switched legs –

left leg lifts
left leg lifts

I did Jillian Michaels Kick Box:  Fast & Furious.  Most of the workout was good –  a few of the kicks hurt my leg but I think I just need to suck it up!!!

Friday 11/14  45 fly to head banger while in bridge.

bring hands together
bring hands together
head banger (triceps)
head banger (triceps)

Reverse move to complete one rep!!!

I pulled out another old workout – TaeBo Ripped Extreme.  If you like TaeBo this is a great workout.  The last little bit had a lot of squats to kicks which I ended up skipping out on but otherwise it was a great workout!!!

Saturday 11/15  45 push-up with arm reach (feet on BOSU).  This move is one I got from Kristin (Stuft Mama).

the easiest part
the easiest part
up read forward with right arm
up read forward with right arm

Do another push-up  and then –

reach forward with left arm (I think I twisted my body too much!!)
reach forward with left arm 

The sequence above is 1 rep!!!  I had to do 90 push-ups to get my 45 done this morning!

The good news is I completed Josie’s (YumYucky) weekend push-up challenge – the advanced version!!!

What I’ve noticed after taking some time off is that after a break it gets easier and easier to take a day off and the workouts seem harder and harder.  I don’t really like this trend!!!

Happy Saturday!


Still Not Running (11/2 – 11/8)

Sometimes as runners/athletes we make choices based on what we want to do and not what we should do – at least I know I’m like that.  This week was one of those times – I just tried to do what I wanted as far as working out.  It didn’t really work but…..

Sunday 11/2  45 machine gun kicks.

balance on right leg - left leg kicks
balance on right leg – left leg kicks
extend leg
extend leg

These go quickly – the challenge is supporting yourself on the standing leg and staying balanced while moving your leg back and forth!!  And, both sides have to be worked equally –

ready for side 2
ready for side 2

This move is actually one I learned from TaeBo!!!

After a week almost completely off and a couple other minimal weeks, I decided to try and run.  It wasn’t great but I pushed through and did a slow 5 miles.  (sometimes I’m not very smart!!!)

Monday 11/3  45 star crunches – right hand to left foot, down, left hand to right foot = 1 rep.

the nice part
the nice part
up and reach
up and reach

Return to extended position then switch sides –


And, since I was already working my core I decided to do TaeBo Insane Abs.  This workout always makes me sore for a few days!!!

Tuesday 11/4  45 standing crunches (hold each crunch about 3 seconds).

round and squeeze - blow all the air out and hold
round and squeeze – blow all the air out and hold

I really like standing crunches like this even though it looks a little odd!!!

I wanted to run again but it only took about 3 steps to realize that wasn’t going to happen.  So I walked 6.35 miles at a 10% incline.

Wednesday 11/5  45 elbow plank with knee tap to a leg lift – alternate sides (right – left = 1 rep).

start in plank
start in plank
right knee barely taps ground
right knee barely taps ground
lift right leg
lift right leg

Return to plank then do left side –

left knee tap
left knee tap
lift left leg
lift left leg

This ended up being a LONG time to hold plank by the time I did all 45 reps!!!

I pulled out another older DVD – Denise Austin:  Personal Training System.   Many years ago this was my go-to workout when I had a stress fracture in my foot and we were traveling – 20 minutes of cardio, 10 minutes upper body, 10 minutes lower body, 10 minutes abs and 10 minutes stretching.

Thursday 11/6  45 fly to pull-over.  (8 pounds because 45 is a lot!!)

open to fly
open to fly
bring arms back to certain and push weights together
bring arms back to center  and push weights together
pull arms over head (don't touch the ground)
pull arms over head (don’t touch the ground)

Keeping this movement slow and controlled is the key (especially on the down part!!).   My chest is still sore from this one!!!

I’ve mentioned before that I love the 10 Minute Solution DVDs.  I chose Sculpt, Tone & Reshape with the Figure 8 for the workout.  The figure 8 is a resistance band.

figure 8 band
figure 8 band

I like the combination of moves in the workout using the band!!

Friday 11/7  45 side plank dips on the BOSU.  This move is a move I got from Nellie (Brooklyn Active Mama) and her weekly Wednesday Workouts.


Holding plank while lifting and lowering your hips is a challenge – holding the plank on the BOSU makes it an even better challenge!!!

2nd side ready
2nd side ready

And, I tried and failed at running again!!   So I just walked 4.25 miles at a 10% incline.

Saturday 11/8  45 standing pilates leg circles.

out to side
out to side
to back
to back – squeeze your butt at this point to help with balance!!

If you look closely you can see that my foot is barely off the ground.  Even to close the circle (half circle actually) you keep it just above the ground.

I did all 45 on one leg before switching sides.


I like this move even though it is small – after several reps you will start to feel it in your thighs, core and butt!!

I’m not thrilled that I can’t run still but I guess I will just keep doing things that don’t make my leg hurt worse until I get some answers from the DR(s)!!!

Happy Saturday!


Daily Moves (10/26 – 11/1)

This week I did a new 45 every day but that was pretty much the only fitness that I was able to do.  My body/mind is screaming for some cardio and sweating but……

Sunday 10/26  45 push-ups on the boat.

Best 45 ever because it was such a gorgeous day and I got my movement in while enjoying the last boat ride of the year!!!


Can’t beat the fresh air while doing some push-ups!!!

Monday 10/27  45 leg drops with a band pull.

easy part
easy part

I kept my upper body off the ground the entire time to make this move harder – it was definitely hard!!!

I did do The Firm – Cardio AbSession & Burn, Shape & Tone.  This ended up being the same as the Cardio Core Fusion that I did last week with the fun pink balls –

The Firm balls
The Firm balls

Tuesday 10/28  45 side lying scissors while on wobble disc.

top leg front
top leg front
top leg back
top leg back

Over course I had to do another set while lying on the other hip.

top leg front
top leg front
top leg back
top leg back

I liked the added balance challenge from the wobble disc!!!

Wednesday 10/29  45 plank – partner hand slaps.

Because I’m not working out in the mornings my whole routine is off.  On Wednesday I didn’t actually do my 45 until about 9:30 at night (rare to not do it first thing!!).

1/2 of the move
1/2 of the move
completing a rep
completing a rep

This move was fun to do with Jordan – he did awesome and completed all 45 with me – that’s a long time to hold plank since we counted 1 rep as 2 hand slaps!!

Thursday 10/30  45 bent over wide row with dumbbells (12 pounds).

up - squeeze shoulder blades
up – squeeze shoulder blades

This is one of those moves that always seems like it should be easy and it is until after about 20 reps!!!

Friday 10/31  45 double arm overhead press with dumbbell (15 pounds).


And, I look like the “stay-puff guy”  because I have on so many layers in those pictures.  Remember at the beginning of the week we were enjoying a final boat ride???

look - no shirt even!
look – no shirt even!

Well, Friday was COLD!!  I spent the morning at the high school state cross country meet and needed every layer I had on plus some!!! The windchill was in the 20s!

Saturday 11/1  45 repeaters – knee up with a twist – knee up front = 1 rep.

Knee up with twist
Knee up with twist

Bring your knee up with a twist, return to start (tap toe if you need to), bring knee up in front for 1 rep.  This move actually goes quickly and is at least a little bit of cardio.

Of course, you have to be equal and fair to your legs so set 2 is on the other leg.

switch legs for another set
switch legs for another set
knee in front
knee in front

By pumping my arms and moving quickly I did get my heart rate up a little for the first time in awhile!!!  And, this move is great for your core because of the knee lift (get it high!!) and the twist!!!

Happy Saturday!
