Category Archives: Triceps

The Simple Life

Today I did my 43 in the hotel fitness room.  I used a bench and a stability ball to do triceps dips. 

checking my sweaty self out
checking my sweaty self out
lower - butt close to bench
lower – butt close to bench

These pictures were long after I did the actual move.  I went down to the fitness room before the boys were even stirring around!!  I did have to take 2 short breaks to stretch my triceps while I was doing the 43.  I might be sore tomorrow!!

I ran on the small treadmill in the fitness room.  It was an AWFUL run.  I never felt like I settled into my breathing and I just felt sluggish the entire time.  I did 6 miles (plus 0.4 miles cool-down) but they were really slow.  I ended up getting through this run 1 minute at a time!!!

Yesterday, the boys and I spent time with my Poppa and my Aunt at their ranch.  I always love the time I spend out there because it is so peaceful!!

around the house - plenty of flowers, tractor mailbox and a TX walkway
around the house – plenty of flowers, tractor mailbox and a TX walkway

We usually spend time on the front porch enjoying the view – but yesterday it was too windy for Poppa to sit out there so we spent time inside with him.  

The boys did make their trek up the “mountain” to say, “Hello, Texas.”  This is a tradition that started when Jordan was 2 and the little hill really did seem like a mountain.  He climbed up (with Chris) and then turned around, waved and shouted his greeting!!  Now, the boys can climb up – wave and yell and climb back down in about 5 minutes!!

Jordan & Hunter climbing the mountain
Jordan & Hunter climbing the mountain

The boys rode around for awhile with my Aunt – checking out the new fence and just enjoying the land.Aunt Jackie, Jordan & HunterI always feel like I’m experiencing a return to a much simpler life when I’m at the ranch.  the RanchThat bottom right picture is a swallow’s nest – it looks like it’s made out of rope but it is actually mud!!!  

I love windmills!
I love windmills!

We will spend more time at the ranch this week visiting with my Poppa and I am looking forward to more “simple” days!!!  I didn’t take my laptop, left my phone in my purse and just enjoyed the place and the people that I was with!!!

Poppa with my boys!
Poppa with my boys!

In the mornings and evenings I enjoy our time at the hotel – swimming for the boys, mindless TV, happy hour, time on the laptop!!  But, during the day (for the next couple of days), I’m going to enjoy every minute that we can just hang out and live a SIMPLE life!!

Happy Tuesday!!


Zumba – A Few Thoughts

For my 43 this morning, I did a running row.  This move worked many parts of my body – back, biceps, triceps, quads and core!!!

Start by standing on your left leg with your left arm extended in front, right knee up and your right arm pulled back –


(I used a 5 pound dumbbell in my right hand.)  From the start position, hinge forward from the waist and push right leg straight back while extending your right arm –

right arm & leg extended
right arm & leg extended

Repeat this move in a nice fluid motion – I did have a few balance checks before I reached 43.  And of course, after I finished the right side, I had to get my left side.

ready for the left side
ready for the left side

I like combo moves because I feel like I get so much out of them!!!

I taught a 6 am boot camp class and then it was time for Insanity Asylum – Vertical Plyo.  This one might be my least favorite because it has SO MUCH jumping!!!  But, I will keep doing it and maybe one day it will be easier!!  I decided to go ahead and double up the Insanity workouts today so I also did Relief.  My new favorite – 25 minutes of stretching!!!  This definitely felt good after the past few days of workouts!!!

Screen shot 2013-06-05 at 8.44.54 AM

So, last night I finally got up the nerve to try Zumba.  I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned on here, but I have less than zero rhythm!!!  And, my hips don’t roll, sway, swivel or any of the other moves that tend to be part of Zumba.

But, I tried it!!!  Pretty sure I looked sort of like this for the entire hour – Screen shot 2013-06-05 at 8.47.12 AMI placed myself over to one side of the room (fortunately I was near 3 ladies that were very fun and NICE) and kept my eyes on the instructor (a friend of mine who happens to ROCK at Zumba!!) the entire time.

During some of the hip moves I just sort of did my own thing because I do not have near enough coordination for hip rolls.

[youtuber youtube=’′]

Um….not so much here!!!

And, there was a lot of this – Screen shot 2013-06-05 at 8.57.52 AMI can only imagine what the people on the treadmills (they can see into the room) think while we are doing this?!  

Oh, and if you have never done Zumba, it is different from other aerobic type classes in that there is very little cuing.  I had to really pay attention cause I did not want to be the only one thrusting my pelvic while everyone else was sambaing or mambaing or whatever those steps are called!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

So, even though I didn’t know the routine and couldn’t move the way some people can, I thought it was a fun workout!!  The hour went quickly and I worked up a good sweat! I’m trying to force myself to occasionally get out of my comfort zone and try new things – and this definitely counts!!!  

I am planning to go back next week – gotta give it a few tries!!!!

Have you tried Zumba?  What are your thoughts?

Happy Wednesday!!


Real Life vs. Online Life

Today’s 43 was a challenge – my favorite kind of 43!!!  I got this move from Insanity Asylum (I’m a little obsessed with my new program!).  The move is a hip raise – roll – plank.

I’m going to try and describe it but I’m afraid it might be a little confusing (good thing there is a demo!!).  Start on the ground with your right leg extended and your right hand on the ground.  Your left knee should be bent, foot on the ground. Push your hips up (using your right arm) and rotate to the right until you are in plank.  While in plank, curl your right leg up.  Rotate to the left until you are back to the starting position.  Repeat (x43).

[youtuber youtube=’’]

You can see that I did a little mini push-up while in the plank – just an extra bonus!!!  And, Jordan helped me with the demo when he finally got up which was after I had already completed my 43 and sweaty workout so I was TIRED by the time we filmed this!!

Also, this was one of those super 43s where I did 2 sets because after I did all of them on my right side I had to switch and do 43 on my left.  My triceps and shoulders were shaking and burning by the time I finished!!!

Today’s Insanity Asylum workout was by far the hardest one yet – Vertical Plyo!  Like the name implies, there was a LOT of jumping!!!  The 10 minute warm-up was brutal and then the workout – YIKES!!!  Did I mention that there was a LOT of jumping?!  This is the kind of workout that pretty much sucks while you’re doing it but after you are done  you feel awesome!!!!

So lately I’ve read lots of the great recap posts about the Blend Retreat from a couple weeks ago.  I know there are a lot of other neat events where bloggers meet each other, too.

Reading about some of these has caused me to start thinking about the differences between meeting people online (through blogs and other social media) and in person.  Over the past few months, I have gotten to “know” some really amazing people through their blogs.  Screen shot 2013-05-31 at 8.33.26 AM

So far, I haven’t met any of my blogger friends in real life.  Last night I was talking to Chris and I told him that I hope to eventually met some of them in person.  What I really hope, though, is that when I meet my online friends for the first time – I’m the person they expected to meet!  Screen shot 2013-05-31 at 8.23.09 AM

Meaning that I hope no one thinks it is like the little Facebook cartoon above!!!  I try to keep my blog real and be exactly the same in it that I am in real life!!  Just like all of my wonderful pictures and videos – I don’t primp for them – cause I don’t fix myself up to workout!!!

I try to make most of my posts positive but some days (ummm…yesterday!) it just doesn’t happen cause life isn’t all roses for any of us!!!  Over-all though, I love my life and am usually happy both on my blog, when I comment on other blogs and in real life!!!

So, I hope that at some point I get to meet a lot of y’all!!  I even know some of the things I want to do with some of my blog friends:  (see if you know who some of these might be)

  • ride scooters to the playground
  • get the best weight room experience of my life
  • run (so this one is almost everyone!!!)
  • go to the Mall of America

I could list more but I already sound like a creepy stalker!!!Screen shot 2013-05-31 at 8.44.38 AM

What are your experiences meeting your blog friends for the first time?  Were they exactly what you expected, better?

Happy Fun Friday!!!


Day 250 = 250 Minute Run turned into a 200 Minute Run

The 43 of the day – Monkey Extensions which is a move I found when I was looking through my many pins on Pinterest!  This is actually part of a workout by Michelle & Lori at Purely Twins.  (check out their site – they always have lots of cool workouts, tips, recipes….)

So, to do a monkey extension, start with fairly light dumbbells (I just used 5 pound DBs today) and pull your hands up close to your arm pits:


From the start position, extend your arms straight out and slightly twist your hands so that your palms face the back:


Bring your arms back in to finish 1 rep.

back to beginning
back to beginning

This move is  nice – it works your entire arm and your shoulders.  While I was doing my 43 I watched myself in the mirror because I could feel myself pulling my shoulders up so I tried to make sure that I was keeping them relaxed.

Today is my 250th day of daily 43s so I decided to run 250 minutes!!  I’m not sure why I thought this would be a good idea since I am only about a week back into doing any kind of leg work (and cardio) after 3 weeks of very little – but that has been part of my plan for awhile now so I went with it!!

The first 2 hours (120 minutes) went great – hit right at 15 miles which was my plan and goal from the start.  Things went downhill from there.  I spent the next hour (60 minutes) doing a walk/run thing which eventually turned into just a walk.  When I got to 200 minutes (3 hours 20 minutes) I stopped.

not what I planned or wanted
not what I planned or wanted

I could  give several reasons why I stopped but I think they are all just excuses.  In the end, I just wasn’t able to do it!!!Screen shot 2013-05-23 at 10.35.20 AMI’m not sure if I believe the quote above but I’m going with it!!!Screen shot 2013-05-23 at 10.35.59 AMThis one I totally agree with – I’m very disappointed with myself right now!!Screen shot 2013-05-23 at 10.39.59 AM

This one sums it up – considering my semi-lack of training lately, I should have given up my goal to run 30 miles in the 250 minutes (4 hours 10 minutes) and just focused on running the entire time.

So, I will foam roll and soak and try again another time!!!

Happy Thursday!



Today’s 43 was a move that I got from a post by Lori and Michelle at Purely Twins.  The move is called plank step on and offs.

I used my step with both pieces to make it a nice challenging height.

14" double step (the Transfirmer)
14″ double step (the Transfirmer)

Set up in plank with both feet on the step.  Then step the right foot down followed by the left foot, step the left foot back up then the right – repeat off the left side for 1 rep.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

(At the end of the video I’m asking Hunter how long he is going to record me – can’t waste all of my energy on the demo when I have 43 reps staring me in the face!!)   By the time I finished 43 of these, my arms were shaking!!!  And, my core was burning!!  This was a great move!!!

My legs are REALLY tired and sore after yesterday’s run – not surprising since I haven’t done anything with my legs other than keep them elevated for 3 weeks!!  Today I wanted to work out some of the stiffness.

I did Turbo Jam – Cardio Party 3.  This was a great workout to shake out my legs – lots of kicking (and punching), some jumping, lunging, side-ways moving….pretty much some of everything!!!

Screen shot 2013-05-16 at 9.54.48 AM


So, in general, I feel like I’m a fairly nice person.  However, there are some circumstances when I’m driving that really irritate me!!!

  1. When I’m driving down the road and someone decides to back out of their driveway without looking (even after I give a nice little warning tap of my horn)!!!  Yesterday when I was taking Hunter to school we experienced this and I reacted like this:Screen shot 2013-05-16 at 10.01.37 AMI used my horn the entire time she backed in front of me and as she took her time putting the car into drive since I was just hanging out at a complete standstill.  (and then I ended up following her to the school – nice!!)
  2. When I’m zipping down the road at 3-5 miles over the speed limit (that’s my norm) and someone turns right in front of me and proceeds to go 10 miles under the speed limit!  I feel the need to get inches away from them like this:Screen shot 2013-05-16 at 10.07.25 AMIf you really need to cut me off, at least drive the speed limit!!!!
  3.  And – Round Abouts!!!  I don’t know if y’all have them but they are everywhere in our city – which is fine for people who know how to drive through them.Screen shot 2013-05-16 at 9.56.22 AMIf you look closely, you will see that there is not a single STOP sign.  This means, if no cars are coming YOU DON’T HAVE TO STOP AND SIT THERE!!!  Also, the Yield sign is for people fixing to enter the round-about.  If you are in the circle – YOU SHOULD NEVER STOP!!!!!

So, do I have road rage?  Maybe on occasion but only because I can’t stand it when drivers  are idiots! Now I feel much calmer after sharing this!!!

Any one else have these issues?  (I hope I’m not the only crazy, occasional road rager!!!)

Happy Thursday!!  (I guess beware if you see me behind you on the road :Wink:)
