Tag Archives: happiness

Life Isn’t Always Sunshine but I Love it Anyway

Today’s 43 was one that I’ve never tried but need to do more often.  It was a front wall squat.  I need lots more practice because I can’t go down very far without toppling over.

Start with your toes against the wall – 


(you can barely see me – the bright light worked against the picture but too late now!!)

Slide down into a squat keeping your knees and hands against (or near) the wall –

slide down
slide down

You can tell from the picture (barely) that I couldn’t even get down to 90 degrees – so a good 43 but one that definitely needs work!  I liked the fact that performing this type of squat added in a balance challenge!

And, because we actually slept in a little, I decided to keep my workout inside because the humidity is killing me when I run here.  I did Turbo Fire – Sculpt 30.  This was a great workout today since I haven’t gotten much strength work this week!! You  use the Turbo Fire band 

Turbo Fire Band
Turbo Fire Band

for a full body strength workout!!

love the sunshin
love the sunshine

For the past week, it has been easy to love life – because we’ve been at the beach (2 more days!!!)! And, I’m pretty sure that by now it is a well established fact that the beach is my true HAPPY PLACE!!!

Life is perfect here!!
Life is perfect here!!

However, in my “real life” back home in Kansas, life isn’t always sunny!!  There are days that look a lot like this –


And, some days are just kind of drippy!Screen shot 2013-07-28 at 9.19.39 AMHowever, I can finally say that no matter what the weather and other circumstances that come along  –  I LOVE MY LIFE!!!

That hasn’t always been the case!  In high school, I think I just existed.  I loved running track and I enjoyed school but the rest of it was just something to be survived.

College was 4 years of fun even though I worked hard to maintain a track and academic scholarship and then added in a job my senior year.  But, I still wasn’t completely at peace with myself.

I spent a number of years trying to find happiness through other people instead of looking for it inside of myself.  

Screen shot 2013-07-28 at 9.33.33 AMI thought that the people I surrounded myself and hung out with controlled my happiness.

I even struggled when we had kids – I thought that being a Mom should make me happy all the time – that kids meant sunshine 100% of the time!!!

Screen shot 2013-07-28 at 9.16.40 AMSo, it has taken 43 years to finally get to the point where I am completely content during the sunny times and the not so sunny times.

And, as long as I know that there is always time at the beach to look forward to, my life is full of sunshine!!

sunset with cloud cover
sunset with cloud cover 

Do you love your life in all types of weather or just during the sunny/happy times?

Happy Sunday!!


Happiness Is…

Today’s 43 was a bicep curl while in a V-sit.  (I know that I’ve had a few 43s in a row that work my abs/core but that is because I’m resting my legs!!!)  


I tried to hold my entire body still except my arms from the elbow down.  Because of the core work involved here – I only used 8 pound dumbbells – I was afraid if I went heavier that I would start swinging my arms and end up hurting something like my back!!


I liked this move since I got some upper body work, core work and even my hip flexors got a little work while I held my legs up.

And, as hard as it is for me to take days off from working out, I’m giving myself another day off today.  I know that after running 31 miles on Friday my body needs it!!  Of course, I have Jordan who keeps saying – it would have been more impressive if you had done Insanity on the day you ran 5 hours!  Today he is giving me grief for not doing Insanity or “at least do some Tae-Bo!”  Silly boy!!!Screen shot 2013-07-14 at 7.49.47 AM

When I was in 2nd grade, we had a big music production at my school and I actually had a solo (crazy since I can’t really sing!).  I was Snoopy and sang the song Happiness Is.  There is one section of the song that I have always remembered:

          Happiness is morning and evening,
          Daytime and nighttime, too.
          For happiness is anyone and anything at all
          That’s loved by you!

So much truth to those last 2 lines – happiness can be anything!!!


my boys
my boys


the beach
the swim beach
Hawaii - this was several years ago
Hawaii – this was several years ago

Having friends over – for dinner, drinks or just to sit and visit!!  No pictures – I try not to put pictures of people on here unless I have asked if they mind (which I always forget to do!!).

Shoes – I know it’s materialistic but I LOVE shoes!!  All types of shoes!!  And shoes in a well organized closet = pure happiness!!!

some favorites!
some favorites!

One day Chris said my closet looked like a shoe store – NICE!!!

Books and Reading – I’ve mentioned my cookbook obsession before, but I also love to read.  Having a Nook makes me HAPPY!!  So many books all in one little spot!!!

my Nook
my Nook

CookbooksWine – I love a glass of wine or other cocktail!!!

cases of my favorite German wine!
cases of my favorite German wine!

Music – music and happiness are a perfect pair!!

Reality TV – pure entertainment!!!

Running and working out!!!

nothing like a good sweat!
nothing like a good sweat!

There are so many things that make me happy – some big and some  little – but like the song says – happiness is anyone and anything at all that’s loved by you!!!

What makes you happy?

Happy Sunday!!!


Building up Our Memory Banks

Today’s 43 was inspired by one of my Turbo Fire workouts from the past week.  I did a speed bag move on the right and then kicked with my left leg.   Of course, after finishing 43, I had to switch sides and do another set with the speed bag on my left and a right kick.  (imaginary speed bag!!)

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SrYWJ1pm3E’] 

I wore my weighted gloves to add a little to the speed bag challenge – I think they only weight a pound each but at least it was something!  This was a fun 43!!!  

I feel like I haven’t done much weight training lately so I decided to do Les Mills Pump.  I did Pump and Burn which is one of the shorter workouts (just over 30 minutes).  Probably a good choice since I finished about 30 minutes ago and my arms are still shaking!!!  I think there’s a good chance that I will be sore tomorrow!!

TX trip
TX trip
TX trip
TX trip

The past week, the boys and I have spent almost every minute together during our trip to TX while Chris was on his own trip for work.  I started thinking about all the things we have done and how much we have laughed together – a lot!!!  Knowing that my boys are having fun and that we can all laugh together makes me HAPPY!!!

I watch the boys and know that when they are grown and no longer live  with us they will have 1000s of happy memories from the time spent at home and with their family!!!


Whether we are spending hours together in a car, playing one of the 100s of games that we have played over the years (Monopoly, Life, Uno, Skip-Bo, Head Bandz……..), sharing a meal together


or just hanging out – I want the boys to keep storing up these fun/happy memories!!!

Last night we added more memories!!  A week of firework fun has begun!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_Rp7azuDgs’]

So, even though sometimes I have to give up things that I would like to do – FitBloggin’ conference  – in the big picture, the things that matter are these everyday fun times that I get to be part of with my boys!!!

There are huge chunks of my growing up years that I have completely blocked from my memory and I want to make sure that my boys have full memory banks of awesome family times!!!

driving on the ranch
driving on the ranch
rocking on the front porch
rocking on the front porch

And, the bonus of building up the boys happy memory banks is that I’m also building up my own memory bank with lots of incredible experiences!!!

I can’t wait to see what we add to our “banks” today!!!  Probably some time at the swim beachSwim BeachDefinitely more fireworks tonight!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj0lJGqTs2U’]

 And above all – laughter, happiness and LOVE!!!

What are you putting in your memory bank today?


Happy Sunday!!!



Today’s 43 was a quad burner!!  I just did a back lunge with my right leg, pulled my knee in while staying in low position and repeated x 43.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF74OVc-r9g’]

You can tell I wobbled a few times – it happens!!!  And, you know, this was the kind of move that I had to do 2 sets of 43 so that both legs could feel the burn!!!

I’m hoping that Hunter will decide to get up soon so we can all go play tennis!!!  Jordan and I usually like to get a nice walk after our tennis rounds so I even though I’m not doing a “true workout” today, I will still get plenty of activity!!

Screen shot 2013-05-26 at 8.41.28 AMHappiness is a state of mind and while I feel like I’m generally a happy person, I know that I’m always much happier in the summer!!!!  So many things are making me happy right now!!!

Yesterday I put on a pair of my shorts (the first time of the season is always a little scary) and they still fit great!!

and my longhorn tat makes me very happy!!!
and my longhorn tat makes me very happy!!!

The boys washed the cars yesterday – clean cars make me happy and watching the boys spray each other “accidentally” really makes me happy!!!Car WashinI just hung out, took pictures and tried to get a little color on my pale legs!!

need a tan!
need a tan!

Swimsuit season = HAPPINESS!!!

ready for some sun!
ready for some sun!

Chris and I went for the first boat ride of the year – it’s like being on vacation, almost!!!Boat rideHow can you not be happy floating around on the water???ChrisKim

It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere!!! Margaritas on the boat!!
It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere!!!
Margaritas on the boat!!

And, since it was our anniversary (another reason to be HAPPY), we got dressed up and went out to a really nice dinner!!Kim & ChrisWe ate at the Row House which is always fun!!  We always get the tasting menu which is about 6 courses but none super big!!!  Last night we went out to the courtyard area for our dessert!

all of the veggies we had with our dinner came from their garden
all of the veggies we had with our dinner came from their garden

How could I be anything but happy when this is the person I’m hanging out with?!

enjoying a good year of Macallan scotch
enjoying a good year of Macallan scotch

KimSo many things that are making me HAPPY!!!  If I had to sum it up I would say

  • Chris
  • my boys (Jordan & Hunter)
  • the sun – beach, boat & warmth

Like I told Chris yesterday – it really doesn’t take much to make me happy!!!  But we all know that this never hurts!!!!!Beach


What is making you happy right now?

Happy Sunday!!!


What Makes you Happy?

Today for the 43 I pulled out my Turbo Fire band and used it for a great oblique move (also from Turbo Fire!).

Turbo Fire Band
Turbo Fire Band

I started by standing on the band with my right foot and holding both handles in my right hand.

start with a salute!!
start with a salute!!

Then, I did a slow, 3-count side-bend to the left.  (The slight forward bend helps to really target your obliques!)

bend down and slightly forward
bend down and slightly forward

On the 3rd count, reach down as far as you can.

now really reach and stretch!
now really reach and stretch!

Return to start and repeat 43 (or whatever # of reps you choose) times.  Then, of course, you have to switch sides with the band.

umm....start but you don't have to look so mad about it!
umm….start but you don’t have to look so mad about it!
that's better!
that’s better!
wow!!  gotta work on the facial expressions!
wow!! gotta work on the facial expressions!

I know you didn’t really need all of those pictures but Hunter took them so I figured I might as well use them!!  I really need to quit looking so mad during these pictures – maybe we can just call it my focused look!!

You can see from the pictures that I busted out (not completely literally) my compression shorts again.  I figured that they would help the residual stiffness in my hips from yesterday’s long run!  I know that I’m way behind the gravy train on the compression stuff but after this morning I know I need more!!  Compression everything!!!  I really NEED to get some socks – I know it would help my Achilles!

I switched up my Les Mills Combat a little today.  It was supposed to be HIIT Power but I decided to save that for tomorrow and do the Combat 45 today.  Even though the 45 work-out still has some plyo, it is not as much.  It was a great cardio work-out but I still feel like it was good for a recovery day!

Screen shot 2013-02-13 at 10.13.01 AM


I think this is a question that we all occasionally think about.  At least, I hope I’m not the only one who sometimes struggles with this!! I think that January and February are sometimes the hardest months of the year.  Still a lot of winter left but no major holidays to look forward to or plan for. When I was working, these 2 months weren’t as hard for me but now I’m back to not working and have more time for reflection (or something!).

Screen shot 2013-02-13 at 10.09.21 AM

The past few weeks I have really been thinking a lot about happiness and what really makes me happy.

1.  Family

I like this one!
I like this one!

2.  Friends

3.  Running (usually on my treadmill)

Treadmill4.  Wine!!

a favorite!!!
a favorite!!!

5.  The beachScreen shot 2013-01-22 at 2.47.12 PM

I know I could go on and maybe even put some really profound things on here but even with the list – sometimes I feel like I have to work hard to be happy!

Screen shot 2013-02-13 at 10.11.52 AMI think that somedays I feel like I need to be doing more with my life.  I know that I’m a Mom to 2 great boys, a wife to the greatest person I know and I love being both of those thing.  But…….

Screen shot 2013-02-13 at 10.10.23 AM Overall, I’m a pretty happy person.  But occasionally I have times that I need to remind myself that it is OK to just be me and do the things I do (or maybe don’t do) – being a surgeon, or chef, or world-class athlete or whatever doesn’t automatically make you happy.

So, what makes you happy?  Do you feel happy all the time or do you occasionally have to step back and remind yourself of all the reasons you have to be happy?

Hopefully, we will all have a Happy Wednesday!!!
