Today’s 44 was another plank variation – using my BOSU!!! I flipped the BOSU over and did a plank with my toes on it. Then I alternated stepping my feet off and back on.
![right off](
![back on](
![left off](
![one rep done](
My arms were shaking by the time I finished all 44 reps – between holding plank (2:10) and the balance challenge from using the BOSU upside down – this was tough!!!
I know that everyone develops their own traditions over the years – some are passed down from generation to generation and others are new. I thought today I would share a few of our favorite Christmas traditions.
1. Since we have trees in every room, we use the tree in our down-stairs living room to put presents under.
![sometimes the presents go around more than under](
2. We open presents on Christmas Eve and we always just do 1 at a time. I like doing it this way because we can actually watch everyone opening their gifts and take time to really appreciate all of them!
![Hunter's big gift this year was a keyboard!!](
I might be as excited about this one as Hunter!!! Maybe I can learn to play again, too!
![Jordan is into all thing Medieval](
![just some random fun shots](
Jordan with 3-D glasses – nice!!! Funny, no pictures of me – I have the camera(s)!!!
3. On Christmas Eve we use our raclette grill and have a fun contest! We all cook shrimp, chicken and steak and vote on the winner in each category and the over-all. It is fun to make different seasonings and marinades.
![the set-up](
There are times that Hunter will put some of each seasoning in his mixture – fun times!!!
Jordan and Chris were the top winners this year. I didn’t get a single vote!!
4. On Christmas morning, we get to check our stockings!! We always have stockings in our upstairs living room.
![pictures of everyone coming in](
This tradition has changed as the boys have gotten older. Now they get dressed first (notice how Hunter went with red & green?!) and I’m wearing my sweaty running stuff because I had already gotten in almost 6 miles! Still a fun tradition!!
5. We always have Reindeer Bread for breakfast after stockings!
I think a lot of people call this Bubble Bread or Monkey Bread but in our family it is Reindeer Bread no matter what time of year we have it!
So, just a few of our favorite ways to enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
What are some of your favorite family traditions?
Happy Sunday!!