Today for my 44 I used my favorite piece of equipment –

I put my head on the BOSU and did a single leg hip lift.

It’s a small lift (as you can tell) but very effective. My left hip was dying by the time I finished 44 and then I had to switch legs and repeat!!

I was definitely ready to be done with that second set!!! Funny that my shoes have reflective parts and they always show the flash!!!
I’ve decided that my posts will continue to start with my daily 44 because that really is the reason I started blogging (although it was for a daily 43!!).
But…..I am going to quit posting about the rest of my workouts every day. I know all y’all are probably thinking – FINALLY!!!
Don’t get to excited – there will still be some days that I talk about my run from the day or about a particular DVD I did. And some days I might be really excited about a new boot camp workout and feel the need to share it.
I just won’t be sharing all of my workouts every day – I have started transitioning away from that the past month or so but I’m ready to make the change.
And with that major announcement – I’m off early to clean our venue – Friday wedding and now a Saturday wedding mean I have to bust tail to get it turned around!!!
Happy Saturday!!!