Today I tried a new to me move for my 44. I saw a similar move somewhere (sorry, can’t remember where) and changed it up just a bit to make it work for a 44.
I did a plank – right arm reach forward – right hand touch left ankle – plank – left arm reach forward – left hand touch right ankle for each rep. (the pictures will make more sense)

This is another one of those moves that about half-way through I started thinking I should have timed it to see how long I was in the plank/downward dog position – oh, well I didn’t care enough to start over!!!
My neighbor’s daughter who is visiting for Christmas came over to workout with me – we had decided last night at the Christmas Eve Eve party

to get together for our 2nd annual Christmas workout!!!
She was up for any type of workout so I pulled out one from the summer (Pyramid Boot Camp) and added a little to make it really tough!!! In the summer, we just did 10 exercises up the pyramid (10 reps each) and then back down. Today I added in 2 more moves so we did 12 up then back down.
- 230 squats (+ more for the squat w/back kick that I added)
- 110 push-ups
- 130 lunges each leg
- 30 burpees
- plus all of the other stuff which I didn’t calculate
It was a good workout. We ended with a max plank hold (arms extended) – we made it to 3 minutes and called it good!!!
I’m pretty sure that I’ve mentioned more than once that I don’t bake. I love to cook but baking…..However, yesterday morning I pulled the boys into the kitchen and we baked (our version!).

The boys unwrapped the kisses and put them on the pretzels – I know they enjoyed it!!

We also made Rice Krispy treats, a simple chocolate candy that I’ve made for years and some brown sugar oatmeal cookies (I really did bake these!).
It is so much more fun to do stuff like that when the boys help out!! And, Jordan did most of the clean-up – BONUS!!!
Happy Tuesday!! Merry Christmas Eve!!