Today’s 44 required a resistance band. I decided that since I worked my biceps yesterday with the 44 today I would work my triceps. I did tricep pulses with the band.

This was actually really tough – the resistance of the band made the last 15 or so brutal!!!
I did a new workout today – The Biggest Loser Power X-Train. Besides a warm-up and cool down, there are 3 15 minute segments: metabolic circuit, power training and all about reps. The metabolic circuit was 14 moves, 1 minute each and alternated between a power move and a cardio move. Power training was more about whole body training with strength, core and plyo. All about the reps was my favorite section – 4 moves done for 1 minute each 3x. The goal was to increase the number of reps each time through!!
I’ve noticed over the past year that blogging tends to be way down during the weekend. I actually have more time to read on Saturday and Sunday so I thought I would share a few of the great things I read.
1. Bryony @ A Series of Beginnings welcomed her 2nd sweet little boy into her family this past week – she has a super cute picture of him for everyone to enjoy!
2. Julie @ Happiness is a Dish Best Savoured Hot wrote a great post with 4 things that would help make the world a better place. One of the things that she said the world needs more of is compassion – completely agree with her!!!
3. Chris @ The Mom Cafe has a devotional series and invites guest bloggers to share their stories. This week Dana from Kiss My List wrote a great piece about Judaism!
4. Taylor @ Lifting Revolution shared about her attempts to master a hand stand in her yoga class recently. The real point of her post was that sometimes you are going to fall no matter what you are trying to do – what do you do after falling?
5. Carla @ Real Into had an incredible post about just being you. She said that you don’t have to do something new to be unique!!! I’m so excited because she said that she is going to be sharing more of her unique self in the future and I can’t wait!!!
6. Coco @ Running with Perseverance wrote a post that spoke volumes to me. She said that we should say yes and not be afraid to fail!!! I feel like that is exactly what I’m doing by attempting another 50 mile race!
7. Biz @ My Bizzy Kitchen is so amazing!! She just spent the last week working her full time job plus a new part time job, dealing with horrid weather (scraping snow off of part of her heating unit most mornings), plus trying to spend plenty of time with her husband who spent the first week of 2014 in the hospital (and while he was there she organized a DVD drive for the kids wing of that hospital!). After a particularly rough day she wrote a post listing all of the ways that she is blessed!!! What a great reminder that life really is good. (Plus, Biz shares some really tasty recipes almost every day!!)
I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t Pin at least 5 recipes from some of the amazing bloggers I love!!! This weekend was no exception!
8. Lori @ Finding Radiance shared a recipe for creamed chicken and corn soup in the crock pot!! I love things that can be done in the crock pot!! And, as a bonus, she included a recipe for making your own cream of ____ soup – so awesome!!!
9. Davida @ The Healthy Maven always has some of the most amazing recipes. Most of them are way above my ability level (lots are for tasty baked things!!) but I’m pretty sure I can handle this one: White bean kale & artichoke dip with quinoa flatbread (remember I’m going to try quinoa this year!!) I can’t wait to try this!!!
10. Jill @ Fitness, Health & Happiness is so consistent with weekly meal planning and sharing new recipes. This breakfast salad (or lunch, dinner or even snack) looks super tasty and full of good things. There is an omelet and a sunny side up egg in this salad!!! And feta – one of my favorites!!!
I don’t know yet if I will make this a standard Monday feature (I haven’t ever done a set daily thing) but I love to share – there are so many great posts out there!!!
Do you read blogs on the weekend?
Happy Monday!!!