Today I decided to work my triceps with the 44 – I did skull crushers using my stability ball.

The nice thing about this move on the ball is that I also had to work to hold my hips level so I got a little core work!!!! I just used 8 pound dumbbells because I knew that after about 20, my form would suffer with anything heavier – ended up being the perfect choice for all 44 – I definitely felt them but could perform all the reps with proper form.
I thought it would be fun to share a few of my favorite workout tools since I keep using different ones for my daily 44.
Resistance bands: These are awesome especially when you travel since they don’t weigh much or take up much space. They are great as an alternative to weights and actually sometimes make moves feel harder than using dumbbells because of the constant tension.

Bowflex Select Tech Weights: I love these when I’m doing a weight workout. Since I store all of my workout equipment in one room and move it to another to work out, this makes it easier to move!! These weights adjust from 5 pounds each up to 50 pounds each!!! On moves that you just want a light weight they are a bit bulky but otherwise I love them!

Stability Balls: I love the extra challenge you can add to so many different moves by using a stability ball. Today I used one to keep my hips up. The other day I used one to do push-ups. So many options!!!
BOSU: This might be my all time favorite piece of equipment. It can be used like a step for an entire cardio + toning workout and it is also great to add a balance challenge to any move!! I love trying new moves on the BOSU – some are successful and others don’t really workout!!

Treadmill: I’m pretty sure that everyone knows by now that I actually prefer running on my treadmill these days!! Years of having no choice (babies and a traveling husband) helped with turning me into a treadmill runner. And, occasionally I try to use my treadmill for things other than running – not always a great idea but sometimes it works!

What is your favorite piece of exercise equipment?
Happy Sunday!