Today I did another move from Nellie’s Weekly Wednesday Workouts – a weighted side bend. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, bend to the side trying to make sure your hand goes past your knee.

I did all 44 to the right side and then switched and did 44 more to the left.

I think my obliques might be a little sore tomorrow!
I started a new program this morning – Insanity the Asylum vol.2. WOW!!! It is going to be a great month of pushing myself. Today was Agility Tutorial (don’t let the word tutorial fool you!!!) – almost 30 minutes of jumping and quick feet moves. Then I did X Trainer – over 50 minutes of hard work!!! At one point we did flying push-ups into 1-arm burpees – good times!!!
Yesterday we worked all day on Christmas decorations – now we can just enjoy!!! I have never been an elegant person (in any way) and our decorations aren’t at all elegant but I love having them out!!!
Most of the rooms have some sort of theme at least for the tree. And, I have Santas everywhere!!! The tree in the kitchen is our “family tree.” Frame ornaments with pictures of our friends and family.

The dining room has more Santas and the tree is a cooking themed tree.

In our upstairs living room we have the Santa tree and many, many Santas!!!! On the tree, all of the ornaments are Santa and no 2 are alike. One year I said, “If you can find an ornament on the tree without Santa I will give you $20.” I didn’t think there was one but there is 1 that is just Mrs. Clause – Jordan found it!!!

(All the cookbooks and other normal decorations have been moved!!)
The guest bathroom gets a tiny tree and a little decor, too.

(a few Christmas cookbooks!!)
The guest room is my “tacky” tree – it has retro ornaments and colored lights!

Our bedroom has all gold decorations – it makes me happy to lay in bed at night with the lights on!!

Downstairs gets decorated, too!!! The “play” room has my Texas Longhorn tree (orange lights and all!) and the workout room has my favorite tree – red & white!!!

The family room downstairs is the tree we put our presents under. This tree is the most random – it has ornaments that the boys have made, ones we have been given and the ones that we give the boys each year. (this year Hunter got a cello, Jordan a trumpet and Chris got the next airplane in the HallMark collection)

The boy’s bathroom and their rooms also have some Christmas cheer. Hunter’s tree is a KU tree (he wanted colored lights) and Jordan’s tree is an owl theme.

So – now we are all festive and ready to enjoy the month of December!!! (at some point I will shop!)
11 trees – some big, some small – all make me HAPPY!!!
Do you love Christmas lights/decorations? Clear lights or colored?
Happy Monday!