Today’s 43 was one of those that was much harder than I thought it was going to be when I decided to do it. I used a foam roller –

and did a single leg glute lift.

(BTW – I didn’t really do these barefoot – I just had Jordan take the pictures for me last night because I knew that no one would be up at 5 am this morning!) So, from the bridge position, I just lifted my hips and lowered them – 43 times!!
And, of course I couldn’t just do one leg!!!

Supporting myself with one leg is always a bit of a challenge but supporting myself with one leg on the foam roller was no joke. My calves actually cramped up before I completed all 43 lifts!!!
Today was my 3rd (and final) round of The Lucky – the workout that I’ve been doing this week as part of Taylor’s challenge! This workout was made up of 3 circuits with 3 moves each. To complete a circuit, you do each of the 3 moves for 20 seconds, then 40 seconds, then 1 minute. Finish with 5 final reps of each move and then 1 burnout move of 50 reps.
You count the # of reps every time through and track them. I’m happy to say that I improved each day!!! I wasn’t sure that I would today but – BOOM – nailed it!!!
As of 7:00 AM this morning we are on vacation!! The only downside is to get to the destination (Bradenton Beach, FL – near Tampa) we have 20-24 hours in the car!!! (Chris thought is would be fun to drive this time – guess who voted against that plan?) So, we are driving (and driving and driving and….)!!
Unless you are the driver (which I actually prefer), it is mandatory to have something to do to pass the MANY hours!! We will entertain each other but I also brought a few things to keep myself busy!
We bought this cool little thing called a WiFi Hotspot (we went with the Verizon brand from Best Buy) so that I could have internet access on the road.
It’s pretty cool – just activate it (we just did a 1 month plan), plug it into a USB and – Voila!!! I can still blog!!! My little set-up –
And, yes, I’m in the back seat!! Jordan likes the front and I don’t really care where I sit if I’m not driving!!!
I also have a whole bag full of entertainment – iPad, Nook, several magazines, trivia books and logic puzzles to quiz the boys with!
If Hunter and I get bored, we can watch a movie on my laptop (I just picked up 42 the other day and can’t wait to see it!).
Other forms of car entertainment – Turner style!!
* see how many different state license plates we can find (and yes, I’m keeping a list)
* ABC game (no less than 500 times!)
* the boys like to sleep (or pretend to be asleep)
* take 100s of pictures of each other (documenting the day!)
* music trivia – see who can name the artist of the song first
* play word games – rhyming words, starts with, memory games
* car bingo
* who can find _______ first (things like an RV with a bicycle on the back, a bright yellow pick-up, a horse…..)
* snacks – when the boys are bored they decide it is snack time
I’m sure that we will come up with other fun things (cause, you know, we have plenty of time!!).
What are your favorite ways to stay entertained or to keep the family entertained during a long car trip?
Happy Fun Friday!!! (I’m hoping our day is full of fun on the road!)