Today for my 43, I used Hunter’s punching bag!!One of the best parts about using the punching bag is getting to wear my super cool pink boxing gloves:

I decided to make this into a “semi” workout. (small scale for sure!) I did 43 right jabs and then 43 left jabs – and repeated that 10 times without stopping. (430 total right jabs + 430 total left jabs)

Then, I moved right into right-left alternating punches for another 43 x 10 reps (this part was actually 860 total punches). A total of 1290 right punches and 1290 left punches all of which I will probably feel tomorrow since my arms were shaking by the end!
This 43 (or series of 43s) was the best thing I’ve done in awhile. It only took 14 minutes but I worked up a bit of a sweat (WooHoo!!) and got my heart rate up. Plus – it felt good to punch something!!!
Since I can’t do much with my legs, I just planted them and then tried to really twist using my core because it needs a LOT of work after the past couple of weeks!
I can’t believe that I haven’t used the punching bag before now! Oh, well – I might be slow coming up with a good idea but at least I finally came up with something that makes me feel like I’m sort-of working out!! Now, I just need to build my stamina back up!!!
I even got dinner started (love my crock pots!) this morning so that Chris doesn’t feel like he has to do everything around here!!!
I’m just full of ideas this morning!! Wonder what else I can come up with? So many possibilities – as long as the rest of my ideas for the day involve this move

then I can do anything!!!
Happy Wednesday!