Using Muscles in New Ways…

Today for the 43, I decided to take some advice from MizFit and be a superhero.  Well,  sort-of.  I did  43 supermans today.  This is a great exercise to strengthen your back – and it actually feels pretty good!

Start by laying facedown with arms and legs fully extended.

easy part
easy part

Lift your legs up and at the same time lift your arms and pull them back so that you are really squeezing your shoulder blades.

pull arms back & hold
pull arms back & hold

Today, I held the above position for a 5-count (you can vary the amount of hold time).  This really was a nice 43.

The rest of my workout today was Les Mills Combat Combat 45 – this one has some really fun moves!!!  Besides my 27 minutes worth of wall-sits, I decided to let that be the extent of the workout today because yesterday about did me in!

It’s funny that you can think you are fit and strong but then you do an activity that you don’t normally do and BOOM – not so tough now!!  Yesterday I experienced that when I spent and hour and a half shoveling snow.

Yikes!  This is gonna be hard!
Yikes! This is gonna be hard!

Today muscles I didn’t even know I had are sore!  Who knew?!?!

Jordan used some different “muscles” yesterday, also.  He cooked dinner for us!  He wanted to do a Mexican bake and planned to just make stuff up.  I recommended that he try to find a recipe to at least partly follow.  I told him that as he cooks more he will learn to just “wing” it!!

Real men cook!
Real men cook!

So much fun to work with him in the kitchen!  And, of course, part of cooking is the clean-up!

cleaning as he goes
cleaning as he goes

He did a great job and dinner was delicious!

looks good!
looks good!

Thanks, Jordan!

Hunter uses his “mental muscles” to solve his Rubik cube:

[youtuber youtube=’′]

[youtuber youtube=’’]

[youtuber youtube=’’]

3 attempts – all in under a minute!!  His fastest so far is 35 seconds!  Crazy.

What muscles have you worked in a new way lately?

Happy Wednesday!
