Happy Birthday today to Hunter (my baby who isn’t a baby at all!!)!!!

Today Hunter is 14!!! In honor of his big day I decided to share 14 fun facts about him.
1. Hunter was born 6 weeks early. Thankfully I went into labor on a Wednesday and he wasn’t born until early Sunday morning. In that time I had 2 huge steroid shots (one in each hip) to aid in his lung development. Even early he weighed 5’9″ and only had to spend 1 week in the NICU.

2. This guy has always been able to make me smile. (Well, there was a brief time when he was 3 that I didn’t smile a lot but…..)

3. Hunter is perfectly happy to be his own person!!!

4. Everyday when I ask Hunter how his day was, he says – “Good, how was your’s?” In the morning when I ask him how he slept he says. “Good, how did you sleep?”

5. Hunter truly cares about those around him. A couple weeks ago when we were talking about his day he said in PE he was teamed up with one of the kids who needs a para. He said they lost that day but he had fun because he could help his partner.

6. Hunter sets goals – lots of them! Some are small (like getting Jordan to give him a high 5) and others are life goals (like going to MIT)!

7. Hunter is like a walking encyclopedia on some topics. I have no idea how he retains all the stuff in his head. There are lots of times I feel like a complete idiot when we have conversations!!!

8. He will always wave to me, say hi, come over and even hug me when he sees me – even if his friends are around!

9. Hunter is a Rubik cube expert!! He can solve everything from the 2 x 2 up to the 10 x 10 (did you know they even made all those cubes?) and some odd shaped “cubes” as well. I think his record on the standard Rubik Cube is around 19.44 seconds.

10. In just a few years he has turned into a really great cello player and received some big awards.

11. Hunter has a signature color and everyone can see him coming!!! He wears this color shirt and shorts every day!!! (he has lots!!

12. Hunter has a list (it is LONG) of all the things he wants to learn – about 20 languages, every math skill possible, chess (as an expert)……

13. Hunter ran 13 miles (actually 13.1) to celebrate being 13 – I think he plans to run 14 later this year. What a great idea!! Wonder where he came up with something like that?!

14. Hunter completes our family!! It was great many years ago when it was just Chris and I. Then Jordan made us a family of 3 and life was amazing. But, being a family of 4 is perfect for us!
Happy 14th Birthday to Hunter!!!!