Today for my 43 I used a fun piece of equipment that I really want to use more but this little thing called TIME is holding me back –

Instead of punching, I did front kicks!!!

I did 43 with my right leg and then switched and did 43 with my left.

And, in case you can’t tell – the pictures are me trying to pose (they were after I was done with my workout) and my balance was off!!!
I got up before the roosters so I could run (3rd day in a row – longest streak in a long time!!!) on my treadmill again and still have the entire day to tackle my long list of projects.
I ran with 1.5% incline – 6 miles in 41:52 (about 6:59 average pace) and then did 1.5 miles much slower for my cool down. I’m happy that after 3 consecutive days of good runs my legs feel OK!!

Some of you might remember that the day we got to Florida (July 20) my Poppa had to be airlifted to the hospital. He had a heart attack and tests later revealed that his heart was only operating at about 15%.
He was in the hospital for about a week and a half and then he was moved into a rehab hospital to try and regain some strength. He has been in the rehab hospital for 2 weeks now and gotten a little stronger every day.
My twin brother (Tim) called me yesterday and said that this afternoon he gets to return to his beloved ranch on the mountain!!!
I know that it will be a hard road for my aunt since she lives at the ranch with him and is the primary (sole) care-giver but I’m so excited that he gets to go home!!! Hopefully I can get down to help out soon!!
At 98 he will never fully regain his strength but I know that he will be much happier at the ranch than in a hospital and I am very excited for him to go home!!!
Happy Thursday!!