Today’s 44 was a nice stretch/resistance move. I used some rubber tubing –

and did a side lying kick.

By pulling the band tight, this was a nice little strength move that also felt pretty good on my hips!! And, of course, I had to flip over and do another set of 44.

I’m ready to start getting in some fun workouts again – a couple days off is always plenty for me!!!
Today was Garage Boot Camp – we did Tabata!!! This is always a great way to get in a really intense workout in a short amount of time and like I always tell myself – you can do anything for 20 seconds!!!!
The past couple of days have been a little overwhelming – I have been completely humbled by all of the sweet comments from so many of you and don’t feel like I have the words to adequately express how much I appreciate each and every one of you!!!
More than the act of blogging – I love the wonderful bloggers that I have gotten to know!!!
A couple of y’all even gave me shout-outs in your posts the past day or two and while I feel very undeserving I also want to say Thank-you!!!
Amy @ Run Write Hike is fixing to rock yet another marathon this coming weekend and she was so sweet to include me in a list of inspirational races this past weekend.
Debbie @ Healthy Running Mom who just got a huge PR on Sunday at the Chicago Marathon said I helped keep her motivated during her marathon (good thing she didn’t know at the time that I hadn’t finished!!).
My sister, Mandi, has a blog that she updates occasionally – hopefully she will start to blog more soon (she is pregnant with her 2nd child!!!) – hint, hint. Yesterday she wrote the sweetest post about running – just thinking about it is making me cry (again!!).
And thanks to those of y’all who so very sweet to tweet me even though I suck at the whole twitter thing!!! Cori, Amy, Barbara
Thank you also to so many of my real life friends who commented through FaceBook – some of you I see often and some not as often as I would like but I am very grateful to all of y’all!!!
And, of course, Chris who has hung out with me the past couple of days and just let me cry or vent when I felt like it and watched hours of Modern Family – so much more fun to be a bum with someone else!!!
So, again, I just want to thank all of y’all for not only listening to me go on and on about the race last week but for taking the time to read about my experience at the race and to leave such encouraging comments!!! The incredible blogging community is why I love spending time blogging every single day!!!
Happy Tuesday!!!