Today’s 44 was fun because not only was it a good move to tighten the butt/hamstring area but it was a great calf stretch – always a necessary thing!!!
I did a donkey kick from downward dog. Start in downward dog position:

Pull the knee in as close to your chest as possible (good for the abs) and then kick your foot back – repeat x 44. Then switch sides and start again!

This move went quickly – definitely one that I will do again!!!
Today I ran – always a happy thing. I did 5 miles just under 7 minutes/mile (34:44) and then 2.25 more miles at a nice easy pace with a steeper incline.
I need an easy button!!! Or maybe I need to be like Sam in Bewitched
and just be able to wiggle my nose and take care of everything!!! (Although, if I remember correctly, it didn’t always work out that well for her!)
Lately, it seems that everything takes 10x longer than I expect it to and every time I turn around there is a new problem/issue to deal with.
I know it’s just a phase and things will level out (I HOPE!) soon.
In the meantime, I will just suck it up and
HaHa – just kidding!!! (sort-of!)
This eeCard makes me laugh so I’m going with it!
If you have an easy button that you don’t need anymore, feel free to send it my way – I will return it as soon as possible!!!
Happy Wednesday!