This week I decided to push myself a bit even if it “hurt” and I ended up feeling very thankful for all that my body is capable of doing!!!
Sunday 11/23 – 45 calf pulses with feet front, feet out and feet in.
ready (toes out)up
I just bounced up and down – this was a fun way to work my calves!!!
toes straight aheaduptoes turned inup
Since this was such an easy move I decided 3 sets of 45 was good!
Monday 11/24 – 45 double crunches with feet on a chair (lift butt while crunching up).
readycrunch and lift butt
I decided to try running some this week.
Today started with a 3 mile walk/jog followed by 5 slow miles of running and a mile cool-down.
Tuesday 11/25 – 45 plie squat on upside down wobble balls.
I did one of my favorite workouts ever – Les Mills Combat: Extreme Cardio Fighter – 60 minutes of a super fun workout!!!
Wednesday 11/26 – 45 bridges with alternating foot lift and touch (right – left = 1 rep).
ready positionlift left foot and reach with right hand
Return to start and switch sides –
lift right hand – reach with left hand
This was a challenge to keep my butt up the entire time!!!
I decided to try running again.
2 miles of walking/jogging followed by 5 miles at a moderate pace and an easy mile cool-down.
Thursday 11/27 – 45 pulsing lunges with feet on upside down wobble balls.
downpart way up
This move was a challenge because of the balance aspect!!! (The hardest part was getting set up on the wobble balls!!!) After I did the first set, I switched around and put the other foot on the front ball.
downpart way up
I think this is the first Thanksgiving in at least 5 years (probably way more!!) that I didn’t do a hard workout in the morning!!!
Friday 11/28 – 45 butt lifts with legs up and a medicine ball (8 pounds) in between feet.
I’m happy that I didn’t drop the ball on my face!!!
I ran 7 miles (57:51) and then did an easy mile cool down.
Saturday 11/29 – 45 twisting crunches on a stability ball while holding an 8 pound medicine ball.
You can see that the move is a twist to each side and then a crunch. This was a great core workout!!!
Overall, I’m happy with this week of workouts. The running is slow and sort of painful but it is good for my mental state!!!
This week was one of those weeks that pretty much flew by. Every day I would think, “Oh, tomorrow will be an easier day.” Not the case but it was still a good week!!!
Sunday 10/12 – 45 squat to lunge (same leg moving) – stay low on stationary leg.
Even though I only did 3 on each side in the demo, I really did 45 on each side. My hip/quad was burning by the time I finished!!!
Monday 10/13 – 45 burpees with a hop onto a step. (Actually I did 50 because Brooke’s workout for the day called for 50 burpees as the “extra” move.
There was nothing easy about these!!!
Boomer’s Burn was a strength workout all about high reps – awesome!!!
It was also a running day – 8 miles in 59:51 + 1.5 easy miles.
Tuesday 10/14 – 45 split squats with the back foot on a step.
And, of course, I had to switch legs and do another set of 45.
ready to godown
I held 15 pound dumbbells the entire time. This move was not easy!
I did one of the Piyo workouts that I like – Buns.
And, Boomer’s Burn was an interval workout. It was a good one – hard!!!
I did 5.5 miles during the intervals + 2.1 easy miles.
Wednesday 10/15 – 45 sit-ups with feet on step.
easy partup and reach
Boomer’s Burn was another great strength workout!!!
I ended up just walking with a 10% incline instead of running because my right quad has been bugging me. I walked just over an hour.
Thursday 10/16 – 45 second side plank with top leg lifted.
This was not easy!!! Then I had to switch sides and do it again –
don’t drop the hip!
I pulled out one of my favorite workouts – Turbo Jam – Fat Blaster!
Boomer’s Burn was another interval day. It started out OK but during the final interval my right quad (that has been bugging me) sort of gave out – I limped through one hard rep and decided that it was time to stop.
Friday 10/17 – 45 partner push-ups (with Hunter).
This was a fun move!!
And, this day sort of got away from me!! I didn’t get up at 5:00am since the boys were out of school. Because of that I ended up not being able to workout (probably good to rest my quad). After a full day and a neighbor’s party, I finally did this move about 9:45pm!!!
Saturday 10/18 – 45 tricep presses with feet on stool.
downpress up
Hunter let me take pictures of him demonstrating the move last night even though I didn’t do it until this morning!!!
I had more rest days this week than I like but sometimes that is just how it has to be.
Boomer’s Burn was all about intervals – this one was awesome and I did a total of 6 miles to complete the workout!!!
Friday 10/3 – 45 wacky jacks.
Thanks to Jordan for letting me record him on this move.
I skipped my normal workout because I had been up all night Thursday night stirring my crockpots of taco meat. (I thought it would be FUN to do all the food for Chris’ party!!!)
Saturday 10/4 – 45 standing crunch with a knee in (arms raised overhead the entire time).
crunch with right knee inleg back
Switch sides and do 45 more –
left knee inback
I loved this move – so much more fun to do standing crunches!!
Stacy and I got in a cold run around the lake (6 miles) before we started working on the last minute stuff for the big party. Always fun to run with Stacy since it rarely happens!!
Sunday 10/5 – 45 ottoman push-ups to Griffin!!!
Hi, Griffinbaby smiles on the down part
I was keeping Griffin entertained (and awake) while Mandi finished getting ready and packing for their drive home!!!
Monday 10/6 – 45 squats on wobble balls – alternate touching inside of right foot and left foot (right-left = 1 rep).
ready – trying not to fall offsquat – touch right hand to left footback to startsquat – right hand to left foot
This move was fun!! I tried to squat low – I don’t always go below 90 when I squat but on this day I did!!
Boomer’s Burn was a cardio/strength workout again – one of my favorites!!!
I also ran 6 miles in 44:37.
Tuesday 10/7 – 45 triangle presses.
readyright hand down – left upback to startleft hand down right hand up
This move is a good one to do slowly and really work on the stretch. I’m not super flexible so it is a challenge for me!!! (I counted a right-left as 1 rep)
I did another Piyo workout that I really liked – Buns – some fun ways to work my butt!!!
Boomer’s Burn was another great interval workout!! I think that even after I finish this program next week I will keep incorporating interval days – love how hard it makes me push myself!!!
Wednesday 10/8 – 45 leg circles (on all 4s) with leg at about a 45 degree angle from body.
This is the basic position – it doesn’t really matter if you circle font or back – same effect. I had a video but encountered some technical difficulties. I did 45 with each leg!!
Boomer’s Burn focused on body weight moves (I did end up adding weights though)!
And I managed 9 miles in 66:30 – lately I haven’t been able to get in many long runs – need to work on that!
This week saw in a change in daily moves from 44 to 45. What’s one more rep of anything?!
Sunday 9/14 – 44 heel raises while doing a wall sit and holding up a 20 pound kettle bell.
readylift the heels
Not gonna lie – my quads were burning by the time I finished these!!
Monday 9/15 – 44 super burpee (had to have something big for my last Daily 44.)
To do the move: jump back into plank – push-up – jump legs in and right – jump back to plank – jump legs in and left – jump back to plank – jump feet in to hands – jump back to plank – plank jack – jump up to standing – do 8 fast feet. Hooray – 1 rep is done!!!
10 of these would have been OK but 44 was tough!!!
And I’m finally back to normal workouts!!! I started a new program – PIYO – Align the Fundamentals. Not sure how much I’m going to like it but I will give it a try!!!
Tuesday 9/16 – 45 minutes of running (to see how far I could get).
I did 7.43 miles in 45 minutes (7:23, 6:17, 5:51, 5:34, 5:39, 5:54, 5:50 and 6:01 to finish the 8th mile)
I haven’t run hard like this in awhile so I paid the price for this run for the rest of the week – stairs were rough until yesterday and my shins were very tight!!!
Wednesday 9/17 – 45 crunches while on a BOSU with a stability ball between the ankles.
You can see in the pictures that I had to keep my hands on the side of the BOSU – I didn’t hold the entire time but I sure did have to hold a lot for balance!!!
I also did 2 more of the PIYO workouts – Define Lower Body and Define Upper Body.
Thursday 9/18 – 45 plie with hands touching the floor – spring up onto toes and reach hands up.
downup onto toes – reach hands up
This was another day of PIYO – Sweat. I looked ahead at the way the program is laid out and it just repeats the same workouts from this week over and over for a few weeks – not sure that I will do this program as it is written!!!
Friday 9/19 – 45 curtsey lunge with hop to opposite leg and another curtsey lunge – stay low the entire time. (right-left = 1 rep)
Then I did one of my favorite workouts – Turbo Fire!!! I did Fire 55EZ (not to be confused with easy!!). Fun way to start the day.
Saturday 9/20 – 45 mountain climbers in low plank.
I let Hunter do the demo since he is the one who told me about this lovely move!!! It was hard but I liked it!!!
So, this wasn’t a super hard week of workouts but it was nice to be back in the routine!!!
This week was all about taking it easy with the workouts after last weeks high mileage. And, my legs needed the break – they were tired!!!
Sunday 8/31 – 44 jump lunges (straight up and down in lunge position).
ready for first sideand jump!
This was a fun way to get the heart rate up!! It was hard to catch a good picture of me jumping:)
And, then I had to switch legs and do some more jumps –
other legup
Hunter did a pretty good job snapping a picture while I was in the air!!
Monday 9/1 – 44 reverse lunge to single leg T-stand.
left leg backpush off heel of right foot and come up to T
My right hip was dying by the time I finished all 44 of these!!! And, then I had to work my left hip!
right leg backwork the left hip!
Can you tell that my balance isn’t as good on my left side? I’m not very parallel in that last picture!!!
Tuesday 9/2 – 44 front step to runners lunge.
step front with right leg – all the way down (left leg should be straight – that’s about as straight as mine gets!)
Push off of right foot back to standing –
I did all 44 with my right leg and then shared with my left!!
step front with left leg
I did Fat Burning Pilates (very low impact) and then walked with a 9% incline for 3.25 miles.
Wednesday 9/3 – 44 pulsing lunges with foot on stability ball.
left foot on ball – downpart way up
The hardest part of this was staying balanced and not toppling over!!!
right foot on ball – downpart way up
Today was Turbo Jam – Ab Jam (this was a fun ab workout that I always forget about!) and 4.4 miles walking at 9% incline.
Thursday 9/4 – 44 stationary side lunges with one foot on a wobble disc.
ready to lunge rightdown (although this picture doesn’t show me down very far!)
I did all 44 to the right and then switched feet so I could do more!
ready to lunge leftdown
I pulled out a DVD that I rarely do – Shape Pilates. I did all 4 of the 15 minute sections for a decent workout.
Friday 9/5 – 44 step-ups onto foot stool.
And, because I’ve been way more tired than normal this week, I actually slept till 6:00 instead of getting up to workout!
Saturday 9/6 – 44 single leg squats with opposite leg extension. (and because I’m super classy, I’m going to show you the pictures I took in my bathroom mirror after my shower)
balance on right legsquat and extend left leg
These were hard – between staying balanced and trying to coordinate the move it was a nice little challenge!!! And, I don’t want my legs to feel left out of a move so I did another set of 44 on the left leg.
balance on left legsquat and extend right leg
No running this week – I will probably do a couple super easy runs early next week and then hopefully be ready for Thursday!!!